As workstyles evolve, so does the workplace
Modern workstyles can be organized and scoped. These are the major concepts
your workplace program project team should consider from the beginning to
successfully support varied workstyles so employees thrive and business booms.
As society becomes more aware and open to individuality and
culture, organizations are starting to look at the DNA of their
workforce and offering workplace choices that are comforting,
inviting and energizing for everyone. To attract and retain top
talent they are adopting best practices, like added flexibility and
workspace choice, to appeal to individual workstyles and
preferences. As is evident by some of the most successful
organizations today, employee happiness drives engagement,
engagement drives productivity, and productivity drives revenue.
Happy people = more revenue.
To remain productive and flexible, employees require office
environments that support dynamic workstyles. It's important for
employers to first recognize if their space can accommodate for
these different workstyles within their organization. Integration of
workspace management software – whether for an enterprise
operation with multiple facilities or a smaller, single-building office –
must be in place facilitate productive flexibility and to measure the
actual utilization of the space to know what is working and what
isn't. Organizations should also anticipate change management
issues, encourage open communication and make sure technology is
versatile enough to help everyone succeed.
Enabling work to happen anytime and anywhere by giving
employees a choice of where, when and how they work is a key
component to success with today's workforce. Employees that are
supported in the workplace are more likely to want to make valuable
contributions in their work.
To help you get started, we will identify 6 types of modern workers.
We'll explore how they work, in what workspaces they thrive and
offer tips employers can use to foster employee engagement and
Just 21% of
employees believe
their work is
managed in a way
that motivates them
to do great work.
When polled,
employees said they
were 59% more
engaged when
supervised by highly
engaged managers.
4 in 10
Employees agree
they are set up to
do what they do
best everyday.
"State of the American Workplace." February 2017
Accessed 4 March 2019.
6 Modern Workers 1