8 Features to Consider When Seeking
Workplace Technology Solutions
Today's workforce has more mobile technology and
flexible work options than ever before. Workers move
around more in the office and are less likely to be tied
to one desk, while remote work is becoming more of
an expectation. That means businesses need:
A variety of purpose-designed spaces to
keep employees productive, collaborative
and innovative;
Processes and procedures to manage
workspace challenges; and,
Resources to deal with equipment and
employee management.
Many see technology as the answer to solve these
myriad workplace planning challenges. The right
solution can help more employees share fewer
desks seamlessly and efficiently. It also can
help maximize meeting room and video
conference resources.
Where to begin? Many organizations turn to an IT
professional who can find a fast, reliable solution
that also minimizes IT effort. If you're seeking such
a low-hassle solution, the experts at AgilQuest —
makers of the Forum SaaS workplace booking and
measurement platform — have prepared this list of
eight must-have features designed to fit today's fast-
moving workplaces:
8 Features to Consider When Seeking Workspace Solutions 01
2. Cloud installation
Enterprise software typically means investing in new servers, new software, and
contracts and licensing — all of which slow down installation. Cloud-based software, on
the other hand, requires no hardware and can be ready to go with minimal fuss.
1. Pre-configured business rules
Quick implementation will allow for hassle-free deployment and will maximize user
adoption. Pre-configured, yet flexible, business rules, including the user interfaces most
organizations deploy, can help organizations and employees get going quickly and easily.
3. Hands-free for IT
At most organizations, IT's plate is already full. That's why an optimal workplace
management solution must be good-to-go right out of the box, without requiring a
heavy IT investment of time and effort. The right solution also must provide powerful
functionality and extensive end-user personalization.