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Ready to See More?
Reduced Operating Costs & Streamlined User Experience
AgilQuest Case Study: RSM US LLP
"I am a huge fan of the team, the product, and what they repre-
sent… Every month, the technology and reporting within the tools
gets better and better."
Project Coordinator, RSM US LLP
Company Overview
A member of the 'top five" accounting firm, RSM US has over 10,000 employees spread across more
than 40 offices nationwide.
The Problem
Facing pressure on services margins and increased competition, the firm began a firmwide initiative to
reduce operating costs. After implementing AgilQuest's classic product in 2016, RSM was looking to
improve the overall user experience and streamline the booking process for meeting rooms.
The Solution
RSM opted to migrate to Tango Reserve by AgilQuest and leverage features like MS Exchange inte-
gration and QR codes to provide users an improved user experience. Using Tango Reserve, the firm
is able to measure the actual use of their entire real estate portfolio and use the findings to justify a
workplace change and develop a company-wide occupancy plan.
The Results
In under six months, RSM completed its migration to Tango Reserve in 40+ locations, delivering a new
and improved user experience for employees. As a result, RSM employee productivity has increased
and employees now have maximum flexibility in choosing when, where and how to work every day.