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Space Utilization Monitoring from CoWorkr Datasheet

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AgilQuest and Forum logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of AgilQuest Corporation in the United States and may be registered in other countries. Learn more by visiting this webpage OR emailing AgilQuest has partnered with CoWorkr, a leading workplace sensor and analytics platform, to add additional functionality and value to the Forum meeting room experience. With their accurate and anonymous presence detection sensors, you can increase meeting room availability and make more cost-effective decisions about your workplace. The current integration delivers the following Operational and Strategic value. For additional CoWorkr products and utilization capabilities, see the AgilQuest CoWorkr Partner Profile page. STRATEGIC VALUE: Data-Driven Decisions Using Reservation Data 48% 17% 35% Utilized Ghost Meetings/ Reserved, Not Utilized Not Reserved Meeting Room Utilization Know if rooms are utilized Repurpose under- utilized spaces to avoid expansion costs AgilQuest's Workplace Management Software combined with CoWorkr sensors and software you can: • Identify and eliminate chronic ghost-meetings/ unused reservations (via Forum + CoWorkr) • Obtain accurate meeting room utilization data (via Forum or CoWorkr Analytics) • Understand how often each meeting space is used and the average duration. (via CoWorkr's Analytics Platform) • Use the data & analytics to make short- and long- term decisions about your workplace and real estate. OPERATIONAL VALUE: Eliminate Ghost Meeting Room Reservations Have you had the experience of looking for an available meeting room only to find the room indicated as booked in Forum is actually empty? To solve this problem, AgilQuest partnered with CoWorkr to use their presence detection sensors to automatically check-in or release a Forum meeting reservation after a configured time. This improves meeting room availability, utilization metrics, and worker satisfaction and productivity. + Space Utilization Monitoring IN USE

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