Guides for Workplace Strategy and Management
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A C Q U I S I T I O N O F A G I L Q U E S T P R O P E L S T A N G O I N T O T H E T O P T I E R O F W O R K P L A C E S O L U T I O N P R O V I D E R S C O P Y R I G H T © V E R D A N T I X L T D 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 2 2 . L I C E N S E D C O N T E N T , R E P R O D U C T I O N P R O H I B I T E D 2 Acquisition Of AgilQuest Propels Tango Into The Top Tier Of Workplace Solution Providers This report provides real estate, workplace and facilities executives with an analysis of Tango Reserve by AgilQuest and identifies the most value-adding use cases. In January 2022 Tango, a connected portfolio intelligence platform (CPIP) provider, acquired AgilQuest, a supplier of workplace management software, to enhance existing capabilities and offer new tools. The recently launched Tango Reserve by AgilQuest provides a robust set of space policies, flexible rules engine, utilization analytics and employee-facing tools, such as mobile apps and digital signage integrations. Our analysis finds that the acquisition of AgilQuest will provide value to firms looking to improve employee productivity and collaboration in the office, as well as value to workplace managers seeking to understand granular space demand and utilization data to enhance hybrid workplace strategies. T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S Tango Reserve By AgilQuest Provides Executives With Granular Space Utilization Data To Enhance Hybrid Workplace Strategies ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Tango Expands Its Workplace Solution Offering Through The Acquisition Of Flexible-Working Solution Provider AgilQuest Tango Reserve Bolsters The Administrative Backbone Of Workplace Managers And Boosts Staff Access To Office Resources Tango Reserve by AgilQuest Equips Users With Granular Data And Configurable Workflows That Minimize The Challenges Of Hybrid Workplace Management Firms Looking To Create Highly Adaptable Workplace Management Processes In The Hybrid Era Should Shortlist Tango T A B L E O F F I G U R E S Figure 1. Tango's Growth From Specialist Store Lifecycle Management Solution To IWMS Platform And On To CPIP Solution ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 2. Mapping Tango Reserve By AgilQuest Capabilities To Operational Outcomes .......................................... 7 O R G A N I Z A T I O N S M E N T I O N E D AgilQuest, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Berkshire Partners, CohnReznick, Cushman & Wakefield, Dunkin' Brands, Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), Ferguson, Microsoft, Tango, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), US General Services Administration (GSA), Wendy's.