Smart Occpancy 02
Workplace Strategist
Within the workplace program, how well is one strategy doing versus another
and how do the current space and choices appeal to the employees, or clients,
prospects and other outside people reserving your space:
What is my worker-to-workspace ratio?
What is our current space per person?
What would be our optimal space
per person?
What spaces do people like to
use most?
How many more people can I house
in this space?
Who are my new candidates for
mobility based on actual use?
How much of my space should be
hoteling/shared space?
Financial Management
For the CFO and their staff, AgilQuest analytics tools can be used with blended data
from lease and costing systems to provide accurate cost-by-utilization and future-
utilization-needs perspectives:
How can I forecast my real estate budget
based on actual demand?
What will be the impact of space
consolidations on my P&L/balance
sheet/cash flow?
As we grow or reorganize, what is the
range of space we'll need for each level of
What is the financial impact of
monetization of excess capacity?
Space Planner / Corporate Real Estate
For the departments and staff responsible for acquiring and allocating space
to various departments, divisions or operating units, you will need answers to
questions like these with summarized data on actual use of space:
What is the average, minimum, and
peak actual use of space?
What buildings can I dispose of/
Which leases should be renewed?
How much space will we need?
What is the actual utilization of my
space by geolocation: portfolio,
region, facility, floor, location on floor?
What is the utilization of space by
owner organization, level, job class,
space type?
What is the utilization of space by year,
quarter, month, week, and day
of week?
Can I monetize any excess capacity by
publishing it to partners, customers, or
the public?