Guides and Whitepapers

Workplace Smart Occupancy: Balancing Flexibility with Measurement

Guides for Workplace Strategy and Management

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Smart Occupancy is a workplace strategy that maximizes efficiency, productivity and organizational sustainability while providing people the freedom and flexibility to choose a workspace either inside or outside of the office. It balances that freedom with process and technology to measure workplace utilization. A well-executed Smart Occupancy strategy delivers results for the organization, its people, and the planet. AgilQuest workplace management tools optimize your employees' engagement and generate Big Data from numerous sources to inform your real estate decisions. OnBoard and agilquest SaaS provide adaptable tools to Love Where You Work. Smart Occupancy 01 For space planners, workplace strategists, financial managers, sustainability experts and facility managers, we've designed this handy guide to what questions AgilQuest can answer for you. Space Planner / Corporate Real Estate Workplace Strategist Financial Management Sustainability Management Operations / Facility Management What is Smart Occupancy? The AgilQuest Approach to Balancing Flexibility with Measurement

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