Learn more about the post-COVID office and how to create an efficient, productive Hybrid Workplace.
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Everyday companies are discussing and reworking their plans to get back to the office. Workplace scenarios range from keeping all employees at home for the unforeseeable future to getting everyone...

As you safely make your way back to work, consider using one of these 5 methods to physically distance your office.

One of the five ways you can physically distance your office is by using Dynamic Spacing. AgilQuest's Chief Experience Officer, Torrance Houlihan, shows you how to use dynamic spacing to get back into

The world is in a constant state of change and, as you consider what the new reality means for you and your company, we want to be here to help. As you contemplate getting a workplace management...
![Visualizing Your "Back to the Workplace" [Webinar]](https://content.cdntwrk.com/mediaproxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcontent.cdntwrk.com%2Ffiles%2FaHViPTY4NDA2JmNtZD1pdGVtZWRpdG9yaW1hZ2UmZmlsZW5hbWU9aXRlbWVkaXRvcmltYWdlXzVlYzI4MGYwN2JkYjQucG5nJnZlcnNpb249MDAwMCZzaWc9MGJiMWQ2MmViNjgwMDhiNThhMzI5NDk2MjJhN2YyZDM%25253D&size=1&version=1665679078&sig=7f82855b1df4ac33e91109a603cd8cb3&default=hubs%2Ftilebg-videos.jpg)
Leveraging Technology to Plan, Execute, Measure, and Comply with a Socially Distanced Workplace With AgilQuest and Netrix
Forum's Individual Asset Use & Presence Report shows you were an employee sat, the conference rooms they reserved and used, the employees they collaborated with, and more.
![Managing Your Workplace in the “New Normal” – USE CASES [Blog]](https://content.cdntwrk.com/mediaproxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcontent.cdntwrk.com%2Ffiles%2FaHViPTY4NDA2JmNtZD1pdGVtZWRpdG9yaW1hZ2UmZmlsZW5hbWU9aXRlbWVkaXRvcmltYWdlXzVlYzNlOTkzMWNkYjkucG5nJnZlcnNpb249MDAwMCZzaWc9NmEyYzAwODhkNDQ3MTU1NGU1YzgyZjJjNDFiYzRlNmQ%25253D&size=1&version=1665679078&sig=343283739f465b8dc3eda7498ab8efd0&default=hubs%2Ftilebg-blogs.jpg)
How will your office setup need to change in order to abide by social/physical distancing policies? How do you enact these changes quickly and cost-effectively? Forum, our workplace management...
![Back to the Workplace in a COVID-19 World: One Possible, Practical Process [Blog]](https://content.cdntwrk.com/mediaproxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fagilquest.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F04%2FJV-Post-Pandemic-Blog-Image.png&size=1&version=1665679078&sig=94ff9e3b13fef5ce478136d147950d7a&default=hubs%2Ftilebg-blogs.jpg)
We are in the teeth of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many are struggling to make it “one more day.” In these situations, it is tough to think about the “future” when the present is a swamp full of...
![AgilQuest’s Contribution to Your Company During COVID-19 [Blog]](https://content.cdntwrk.com/mediaproxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcontent.cdntwrk.com%2Ffiles%2FaHViPTY4NDA2JmNtZD1pdGVtZWRpdG9yaW1hZ2UmZmlsZW5hbWU9aXRlbWVkaXRvcmltYWdlXzVlYTFjNjYwMjVlZWYucG5nJnZlcnNpb249MDAwMCZzaWc9M2FhNWE3ZjM0NjRjMjg3ZDdmZGVlMTRlODE1OTQyNmI%25253D&size=1&version=1665679078&sig=1433768937b4c716fc757c7cbb86c4b4&default=hubs%2Ftilebg-blogs.jpg)
AgilQuest, a Workplace Management and Measurement Platform, offers its People Presence and Location module free of charge to improve workplace safety during the COVID-19 outbreak. Until August 1,...
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If you haven’t spent the past two weeks under a rock (or maybe that’s the safest place??), then you’ve heard the term “Coronavirus” or “COVID-19.” Maybe this news has got you thinking, is my...