Guides and Whitepapers

Meeting Room Booking eBook

Guides for Workplace Strategy and Management

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4 (Thank you, Rescue Time, for your thorough work- life balance research!) As millennials become the majority of the workforce with Gen Z right behind, it's time for companies to change their priorities so they can attract and retain new, top talent. And don't worry, we aren't forgetting about those who have been in that office life for a bit longer than that. But these changes are exciting for everyone! Some may argue the 9 to 5 is the way of life. (I mean, I don't know who… but some may!) Except, when you get down to it, ● We are only averaging 2 hours and 48 minutes of productive time during a workday ● And we get 26% of our work done outside of normal business hours The Modern Office C h a p t e r O n e So, we've had to re-imagine the office. It's time to offer places to work that drive creativity, production and collaboration. It's time to offer flexible hours and work- places to make it easier and more enticing to go to work and get it done. And it's our job to make sure your transfor- mation to a flexible, modern office is easy peasy lemon squeezy. In this eBook, we'll discuss workplace man- agement, what to look for in a meeting room and desk booking software, and how to conquer the world (or at least your office world!)

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