Alright, we are all on board for this new
modern office. Because who wouldn't be?
But unfortunately, we are not magicians and
we can't just snap our fingers and be done
with it.
When making the switch to a flexible work-
place, and offering a variety of spaces, like
conference rooms, collaboration areas, desks,
etc., you will want it to be manageable.
Since the dawn of age, booking meeting
rooms has been a necessary hassle. Like,
• Have you ever gone to book a meeting
room, but they're all reserved, yet they
really sat empty all day?
• Or had one double-booked and showed
up at the same time as the other team…
Its Challenges
T h e M o d e r n O f f i c e
And then, what do you do when you need,
• A room that has video conferencing ca-
pabilities and a whiteboard?
• Or an office with a window and an ad-
justable height desk?
Does that nagging voice in your head say,
"you are asking
for the most?"
I can tell you I certainly don't think you are!
These are just some of the pains that are
alleviated when you find the perfect work-
place management software.