Guides and Whitepapers

8 Steps to a Successful Telework Program

Guides for Workplace Strategy and Management

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Page 0 of 2 8 Steps to a Successful Telework Program As the need for mobility grows, and the newer generations of workers have come to expect flexibility and often even the opportunity to work from home or outside the office, organizations are challenged with setting up successful telework programs. Here are some basic, practical steps to implementing a new telework program. 1. Define policies Establishing policies to assure a smooth transition to telework and to maintain productivity is one of the most difficult steps in a successful program. Policies should still fit the organizational culture, as well as provide support, which managers and workers will use to perform their best in a telework environment. 2. Determine candidates Understanding how much the workplace is used is a key first step in determining who should telework. Assess how workspaces are used, when they are in use and which roles need them or use them the most. Gather data on how much your employees are actually in the office, who comes in the most, how much time the work elsewhere and even what job roles are able to work outside the constraints of the office.

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