Your Unique Culture – Policies and Procedures
Perhaps what's most important to the successful implementa�on of a flexible
workplace program is its compa�bility with your unique culture. There is no generic
way to implement a flexible office program, and how one company accomplishes their
goals may be completely different from the way in which your organiza�on does.
Control vs. Flexibility
As a team, you must decide how much autonomy your culture supports. Will your
workers to control their work/life balance, or allow your workers to have freedom
within company-defined parameters. The answers to these ques�ons are implicitly
connected to your culture and project goals. The so�ware that facilitates your pro-
gram will need to support your unique mode of working.
Self Service vs. Full Service
What is flexible about your work style? Self Service flexible workplace environments
make assets available for employees, but there is li�le oversight or suppor�ng
services. Full Service environments go to great lengths to insure employees have
everything they need – catering, supplies, li�le ameni�es, etc. Full Service
environments o�en incorporate a larger suppor�ng staff.