Implementation and Technology
There are addi�onal factors to consider when implemen�ng a flexible workplace:
Regional Varia�ons in Corporate Culture
Ensure your flexible workplace program can accommodate different culture types
within your organiza�on.
Integra�on of So�ware
Whether you are an enterprise with mul�ple facili�es or a smaller coworking space,
your reserva�on system must facilitate your mobile work style.
Rela�onships Between Offices or Departments
It is important to consider the rela�onships between your offices departments and
workers. An�cipate change management issues, encourage open communica�on and
make sure your technology is versa�le enough to help everyone succeed.
Sharing Your Space
So�ware such as the Agilquest Forum allow for companies to welcome
reserva�ons from partners, vendors or independent professionals. It's worth
considering the opportuni�es from leveraging unused or excess space.