Workplace Experience: The Roadmap To Successful Hoteling & Telework Programs

Today's workers are changing their work styles based on new technology and what they expect from the workplace is changing rapidly. It's critical to make sure the workplace  is up to date with this newer, more mobile workforce.  But how do we quickly come up to speed with flexible work and hoteling programs? And how do we keep these programs and telework viable and productive in the long term?

For this webinar, we paired expert technologists with experienced workplace strategists for an outstanding panel and asked them to create a roadmap to successful programs that any organization can follow.

The panel outlined:

  • The phases common to the best programs
  • The critical elements necessary to each step
  • How these elements set the top programs apart from the rest and contribute to meaningful, long lasting results
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Forum: Introducing The Cloud-Based, SaaS Booking Platform
Forum: Introducing The Cloud-Based, SaaS Booking Platform

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Workplace Utilization: 3 Steps To Operationalize Workplace Data For Real World Solutions
Workplace Utilization: 3 Steps To Operationalize Workplace Data For Real World Solutions